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Jun 30, 2023

It's 'Five' pm... and time for the Fakahatchee Radio  News:


  • The DanZ and Florida Feud: Chuchi Bonhomme with a special update
  • A special report from Chad 'The Nightmonster' Malloy.
  • Gator Greg Statue Hits A Snag
  • Fakahatchee Police Blotter

Join the other criminals of Fakahatchee on the Police Blotter by joining...

May 10, 2023

Join us as KFAK broadcasts LIVE from Gator Greg's Funeral at Duck Winter's GatorGanza in the Sir Chomps-a-Lot Feeding Pavillion where anything can happen. It promises to be a star studded affair with Mr. Winters' promising tons of celebrity appearances and other surprises to maximize your grief. 

Services will be...

Jan 20, 2023

We say goodbye to an absolute legend among alligators as he slips and slides away into that great big muddy swamp in the sky. (We're talking about Heaven.)

Tonight's callers include:

  • Duck Winters: How will he continue on without his best friend (and best earning) alligator.
  • Dr. Leonard 'Skinny' Scroggins: Shares his...